Proper Arm Care
Internal Rotation (IR)
Place a rolled up towel or ball under your arm to increase range of motion. While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent at 90 degrees, start with your hand away from your stomach, then pull the band towards your stomach. Keep your elbow near your side, your elbow bent to 90 and maintain your shoulder blade in a retracted and downward position through the entire motion.

External Rotation (ER)

Straight Arm Row (SAR)
While holding an elastic band with both arms in front of you with your elbows straight, pull the band downwards and back towards your side. Maintain shoulders in down and retracted position.
Holding elastic band with both hands straight out in front of you, draw back the band as you bend your elbows. Keep your elbows near the side of your body. Hold for 2-3 seconds while pinching your shoulder blades together.
Horizontal Abduction
Start by holding an elastic band in front of your chest with your elbows straight. Then, pull your arms apart and towards the side. Return to starting position and repeat.
Standing Y’s
While standing, hold elastic band in both hands and arms straight out in front of you, pull bands overhead in a Y motion keeping arms straight. Maintain erect posture the entire time without arching lumbar spine.
External Rotation 90/90
Start by holding an elastic band or sports cord with your arm up at 90 degrees away from your side and elbow bent to 90 degrees. Your forearm should be directed forward in the beginning position as shown. Next, roll your shoulder back so that your forearm is directed upward. Maintain your shoulder blade in a retracted and downward position the entire time.
Internal Rotation 90/90
Start by holding an elastic band or sports cord with your arm up at 90 degrees away from your side and elbow bent to 90 degrees. Your forearm should be directed upward in the beginning position as shown. Next, roll your shoulder forward so that your forearm is directed forward. Maintain your shoulder blade in a retracted and downward position the entire time.
Biceps Curls
Start by standing tall, and retracting your shoulder blades down and back. Next have your hands down by your sides and palms facing up, next bend your elbows up to your shoulders. Keep your elbows tucked to your sides. Make sure the band is wrapped around your knuckles like in picture.
Triceps Extension
Start with your elbow bent and holding an elastic band as shown. Pull the elastic band downward as you extend your elbow. Keep your elbow by your side the entire time.
Shoulder Abduction
Hold both ends and then stand on the center of the band. Next, raise your arms up to the side to a T position keeping your elbow straight and palms to the floor.
Hold the band in each hand and step on the middle. Raise the arms up to shoulder height, with the arms out at about a 45 degree angle and thumbs pointed up.
Wrist Flexion
While sitting place your forearm on your thigh. Next, while holding an elastic band, bend your wrist upwards with your palm facing up.
Wrist Extension
Rest your forearm on your thigh. Next, while holding an elastic band, bend your wrist upwards with your palm face down.
Radial Deviation
Rest your forearm on your thigh or table. Next, while holding an elastic band, bend your wrist upwards with your wrist in a neutral position as shown.
Ulnar Deviation
While holding an elastic band in the position shown, stabilize by holding the band with your other hand about 1 foot away. Move your wrist up and down as shown.
Slowly rotate a bat towards the inside and then outside of the body as shown.